
7 Tips from your dentist on a swift recovery post oral surgery


As a dentist in St Albans we at UK Dental Specialists are proud to be part of an environment where providing expert care for our patients is the norm. We understand that having oral surgery can be daunting and recovery, sometimes, a little complex. However, with the right guidance and diligent post-operative care, the recovery journey can be smoother and faster. Here are seven tips we strongly endorse for a swift recovery after oral surgery.

1. Follow the prescribed aftercare routine

At UK Dental Specialists, we believe in empowering our patients with detailed knowledge about their dental health. Our specialists spend time explaining the post-operative care routine that is tailored to your specific needs. This will typically include instructions on oral hygiene, medication, diet, and physical activity. Adherence to this personalised aftercare regimen is the key to a speedy recovery.

2. Prioritise oral hygiene, but gently

Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial post-surgery, any dentist in St Albans would tell you the same. However, it should be done gently to avoid disturbing the surgical site. We advise our patients to gently rinse their mouths with warm salt water several times a day, especially after meals. This helps to keep the area clean and prevent infections. We also provide specific instructions on how to brush your teeth without causing any harm to the surgical area.

3. Monitor and manage pain and swelling

It’s natural to experience some discomfort and swelling after oral surgery. Our specialists are keen on ensuring that your pain is managed effectively. We provide personalised medication plans and might recommend over-the-counter pain relievers. Applying a cold pack on the outside of your cheek, in the area of the surgery, can also help reduce swelling.

4. Adopt a soft food and hydration diet

Eating might be a challenge after oral surgery. But a healthy diet is essential for healing. We suggest a soft food diet to our patients. This includes foods like yoghurt, pudding, mashed potatoes, and soup. It’s important to avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the surgical site. Also, staying hydrated aids recovery, but remember to avoid using a straw as the suction can disrupt the healing process.

5. Rest and recuperate

Rest is a non-negotiable part of recovery. We ask our patients to take time off from their usual routines to allow their bodies to heal. It’s best to avoid strenuous activities, as these can lead to bleeding or swelling. Getting plenty of sleep and keeping your head elevated can significantly speed up the recovery process.

6. Steer clear of tobacco and alcohol

As your dentist in St Albans we strongly advise our patients against smoking and drinking alcohol during the recovery period. Both can interfere with the healing process. Smoking can cause a painful condition called dry socket, while alcohol can interact negatively with prescribed medications.

7. Keep communication lines open

We are always there for our patients. If you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms during your recovery, we encourage you to reach out to us immediately. Timely communication can prevent minor issues from becoming major complications.

At UK Dental Specialists, we are committed to providing you with the best care and ensuring your recovery is swift and comfortable. With these guidelines and our continuous support, we are confident that you will be back to your normal routine in no time. We are here to guide you every step of the way, providing the best advice and care to make your recovery as smooth as possible.