
How Invisalign has changed orthodontic care


Orthodontic care is a long-term treatment that aims to treat dental misalignments by moving the position of teeth. Our Invisalign St.Albans is an option for the majority of people requiring treatment.

What is orthodontic care?

Orthodontics as a field started in the 1930s and is also known as orthodontic dentistry. It Is one of the most common forms of dental care growing globally, with the most well known tools including braces and aligners.

Traditional treatments -braces

The idea of orthodontics is old but the start of widespread treatment is tied to the brace, the first of which was invented in 1728. This very early brace was intended to expand the arch of the mouth and was a gold band attached to the teeth with threads of silk.

Commercial treatment started in the 1950s. Over time, the braces were modified with better technology and improved design, catering the treatment for patients to incrementally improve the position of their teeth.

 The start of widespread clear aligners was spearheaded in the 90’s, making it the relative newcomer to orthodontic treatment. However, over time, these aligners have gained popularity and have displaced the use of traditional braces for the majority of adults. This is expected to continue into the future.



  • Suitable for almost every case They can produce much higher peak strength and move molars and alter the arch width.
  • Braces are rugged and durable by design; they have to last the entire course of treatment, which is anywhere between 6 months to a year.


  • They can be difficult to clean. Braces provide lots of small gaps and areas for food particles to get trapped in; they require diligent cleaning after every meal which can be particularly disruptive when eating out.
  • During the course of treatment with braces, they will become looser as the teeth adopt new positions, this necessitates regular returns to the clinic for tightening and adjustments.

Clear aligners


  • Virtually invisible; thin material and each aligner is going to be unnoticed in public.
  • Can be administered with minimal check-ups


  • Can warp and become damaged if handled inappropriately
  • Have to be removed for eating.

Demographic getting treatment

The demographics engaging in orthodontic treatment have changed over time. Once, our surgery was almost entirely filled with adolescents using braces, but with the option of a nearly invisible treatment like Invisalign St.Albans that is compatible with work/life obligations, more adult and teenage patients have begun to engage with our services.

Patients previously had to consider the advantages of cosmetic orthodontist treatment vs the short-term need to wear a brace which would impact that could have on their life. With clear aligners, they get the long-term advantages of straighter teeth without considering this hurdle to treatment, making the option far easier.

Treatment going unseen

Invisalign St.Albans allows you to undertake realignment without the hassle of wearing fitted, metal tools and allows you to experience more comfort that you would with a brace in most cases. As the aligners are designed to fit your teeth at each stage, they will be unseen.