
Devastated by tooth loss? Get relief with dental implants


You don’t know what you have lost until it’s gone! Losing a tooth or teeth, especially in the front of your mouth can make you feel devastated. It’s only when something is lost forever that we truly feel the distress. Dentistry over the centuries has invented ways of replacing lost teeth and for decades we have been satisfied with bridges and dentures. Dental scientists, however, have always been looking for ways to improve. Finally in the 1950s another option was created which provided a more natural solution. Your original teeth are anchored into your jawbone by a root which creates a stable platform to allow you to exert the amazing pressure that is required to chew your food. At UK Dental Specialists our highly qualified and experienced team offer dental implants in St Albans as another choice to our patients who have lost teeth.

Oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is an essential everyday commitment to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease which can cause tooth loss. Regular routine brushing and flossing, as well as six monthly check-up visits to our surgery, will go a long way to preserving your teeth. Accidents happen and can also result in the loss of a tooth or teeth. Our friendly experienced team will always strive to retain a tooth and will only remove a tooth that cannot be saved by root canal, filling or any other dental procedure. Even a tooth that has been knocked out by accident can be saved if the timing is right and the lost tooth is preserved correctly. Unfortunately sometimes it is not possible and the tooth is lost forever.

Consequences of delays!

The consequences of not seeking dental advice as soon as possible after losing a tooth will eventually affect more than just your mouth. You could find yourself struggling to eat properly because you cannot chew. Smiling may feel embarrassing and the longer you leave without replacing your lost tooth the more you may notice that your face is taking on a sunken look. Food debris in the tooth socket can cause bacteria which can eventually find its way to your heart and lungs. A lost tooth can have some devastating ramifications if advice from a dentist is not sought as soon as possible.

Efficient use of technology

To help all of our patients to enjoy access to our dental services we utilise technology to help you get the treatment you need as quickly as possible. All dental procedures will require a thorough examination and assessment and dental implants St Albans are no exception. Using the latest equipment we are able to examine your oral cavity. It is important to get detailed and accurate information to be able to pinpoint the exact location of your lost tooth. Once we have made a small incision in your gum and drilled a hole into your jawbone we will place a titanium post. This post will perform the same purpose as the root of a tooth. Titanium is used because your jawbone will naturally fuse with it. This is a surgical procedure so you may receive sedation and you will require a period of integration and recovery, which is normally three to six months. The exceptional skills of our dental team allow us to replace one tooth, up to four in a row or a bridge on just one implant. A full set of permanent teeth or a removable overdenture will require only four dental implants St Albans.

After care

Your natural teeth should be properly cared for and maintained and your new implants will require the same level of care and attention. We will provide you with the relevant instructions that should see your teeth and implants last for decades.