
Do I need dental implants? Find out more!


Dental implants at our practice constitute a reliable and suitable method of replacing a single or several missing teeth. They work as a long-term solution for loss of teeth. Dental implants, unlike dentures, are non removable, therefore they are practically permanent. In order for dental implants to be secured into the mouth a titanium screw is drilled into the treated area to hold the bridge, crown or denture and we, at UK Dental Specialists, can expertly provide these different types of restoration. Dental implants are surgically placed beneath the gum, this is so that they mimic the appearance and feel of natural teeth. Since the implant fuses with the jawbone the implant will be held in place with no issues of sudden movement. If you are interested in receiving dental implants St Albans do not hesitate to book a consultation with our dental practice in St Albans.

Who is eligible for dental implants?

It is important to note that not all patients will be an eligible candidate for this procedure, however there are many more available options that you can consider. In order to undergo a dental implant surgery it is important that the individual has a healthy set of gums and a normal bone density, to help structure and secure the implant. It is also significant to maintain and commit to a routine to keep the structures healthy and fresh. Another important factor is that oral hygiene must be taken care of alongside regular dental visits, which are hugely significant to achieving long-term success when proceeding with a dental implant surgery.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants St Albans have many long-term life benefits, there are also many other additional advantages that follow post procedure.

Natural tooth effect

When dental implants St Albans fuse to the gum the result looks completely natural. The fitted crown/denture tooth is secured to the gum line. This means that the prosthetic alternative can go discreetly unnoticed, without anyone realising you have undergone surgery. Therefore, it will look like a restoration has not been performed, but that the teeth are original, which is of huge benefit for those who don’t want their surgery to be visibly detected.

Behaves like a natural tooth

Once dental implants have been fitted they act in a similar fashion to natural teeth. This is one of the greatest benefits when undergoing dental implant surgery. Dental implants have the ability to  provide strength and function in the same way as natural teeth. This is due to the fact that the dental implant is secured firmly into the jawbone which is similar to a natural root. Ultimately, this gives the prosthetic tooth stability.

Unrestricted eating

A lot of the time a common complaint that is highlighted by many denture users is that they have to change their eating habits. This is due to the fact their dentures are unable to remain intact with certain bites. Or it could be the case that the texture of certain foods such as apples and steak are not compatible with dentures, as they tend not to stay in place well which makes it nigh impossible to eat such foods. This means that an individual will have to change their dietary plans. However, dental implants allow an individual to eat any type of food, as the implants are secure.