dental implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants: Your Comprehensive Guide

dental implants near st albans

Dental implants have gained significant popularity as a reliable option for replacing missing or damaged teeth providing a long lasting and visually appealing alternative to traditional dentures or bridges. Before committing to this treatment patients often have queries. This detailed guide is designed to address some of the commonly asked questions about dental implants.

Do you live in or near St. Albans? Are you struggling with missing teeth? We can help you! Contact UK Dental Specialists and book a consultation to discuss Dental Implants St Albans. Our friendly, professional, and highly experienced team is here and happy to help you!

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are essentially titanium screws that act as roots securely implanted in the jawbone to support one or more replacement teeth. The preference for titanium is due to its durability and its ability to fuse with bone through a process called osseointegration.

Is the implant procedure painful?

Patients frequently express concerns regarding whether they will feel pain during their implant surgery. While the procedure itself is typically carried out under anaesthesia for minimal discomfort, some post operative soreness may occur. This discomfort can usually be effectively managed with over the counter pain relief medications and typically diminishes within a few days.

How long do Dental Implants last?

With proper care and maintenance implants have the potential to last a lifetime. However it’s worth noting that the crown attached to the implant may need replacement every 10 to 15 years due to wear and tear.

Are Dental Implants suitable for everyone?

Many individuals are candidates for implants but certain factors can impact eligibility. Having sound oral health and sufficient bone density are crucial for the success of implants. Conditions like diabetes or heavy smoking may hinder the healing process. A thorough assessment by a dentist is needed to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

What is the success rate of Dental Implants?

Dental implants have a very high success rate with studies indicating rates exceeding 95%. The key to ensuring the longevity and success of an implant lies in maintaining oral hygiene, regular dental check ups and avoiding habits that could harm dental implants, such as smoking.

How should I take care of my Dental Implants?

Taking care of implants involves similar steps to caring for your natural teeth. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly and attending routine dental check ups. While implants do not decay like teeth it’s important to maintain proper care to prevent gum issues, like periodontal disease.

Will Dental Implants resemble and function like natural teeth?

A significant benefit of implants is their ability to seamlessly blend in with your natural teeth in terms of both appearance and function. The artificial tooth, known as a crown that is placed on top of the implant is uniquely crafted to match the shape, color and size of your neighboring teeth ensuring a natural appearance and sensation.

How are Dental Implants installed?

The process of getting implants involves several stages beginning with a thorough evaluation of your oral health during a consultation. If you are deemed suitable for the procedure the implant surgery is scheduled. Once completed, a healing period is required which allows the implant to fuse with the jawbone. Once fully healed an abutment is affixed to the implant to secure the custom made crown in place.

Dental implants provide a lasting and visually appealing solution for individuals seeking to replace missing or damaged teeth. It’s always advisable to consult with an expert to discuss your individual requirements and eligibility for dental implants. With upkeep and care dental implants can offer you a radiant smile, for life.

For Dental Implants St Albans – click here.