
How the dentist in St. Albans can treat tooth loss


As UK Dental Specialists, we work with all our patients to offer a choice of treatments that give them the smile they have always wanted.  We understand how much the quality of the smile can affect self-confidence, and how this can spill over and have an impact on many areas of a person’s life.

Tooth loss is something that can affect people of all ages.  It can be caused by injury or poor oral health and is often a devastating shock when it occurs.  Fortunately, the dentist in St. Albans can help to resolve this issue so that the patient can enjoy feeling good about their smile again.  Here, we explain how we can treat tooth loss and how beneficial this resolution can be.

What are the options for missing teeth?

In the past, people who experienced tooth loss had two options: they could either put up with the loss and the inevitable lack of confidence or they could replace their missing teeth using dentures.  The dentist in St. Albans offers the ultimate modern solution: dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a means of replacing the roots of the teeth.  They are made from a material called titanium.  This integrates well with the jawbone to provide a stable and long-lasting base for new artificial teeth.

What is the process for getting implants?

As the dentist in St. Albans, we examine the condition of the remaining teeth and the gums as well as the jawbone.  This helps us to determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for implants.  The procedure itself is painless as we use a local anaesthetic before going ahead, this numbs the mouth completely so that the patient can relax while we do our work.

The implants are inserted into the jawbone, and then left for around two weeks to heal.  We then progress onto the next stage, which is placing abutments onto the implants.  These act as holders for the artificial teeth which go on top.

Do implants require special care?

One of the advantages of having a tooth or teeth replaced using dental implants is that after the procedure and healing period has been completed, they can be cared for just like natural teeth.  Provided the patient has a regular routine of brushing and flossing, there should not be any need for any special measures to be taken.

Does the patient have to change what they eat?

Dental implants are considered to be as stable as natural teeth.  This means that the patient can enjoy whatever meals and snacks they like, without fear of the new teeth moving position.  If they enjoy crunching into an apple or the odd treat of some toffees, there is no need for that to stop.

Does the patient have to make lots of dentist appointments?

Once the process for getting dental implants has been completed, the patient does not usually need any additional appointments.  Provided they continue with a regular oral care routine and get regular dental check-ups, their new teeth should last for many years and often for a lifetime.