
Invisalign in St Albans and why it might be the orthodontic treatment for you


When you take the plunge and decide to straighten your smile there are numerous factors which need to be considered. Whilst this may sound like an obvious aspect to any choice, it is important to understand what the treatment is and what may prevent you or deter you from this particular treatment.

What is Invisalign?

Understanding how Invisalign St Albans works is the first important part of choosing your aligner treatment with us at UK Dental Specialists. These clear, removable aligners are customised from specific 3D images, photographs, X-rays and in some cases moulds which have been taken of your teeth during your initial consultation with us. These images are then used to create a series of plastic trays which are provided to you, they come in sets and are to be worn at different stages of your treatment. Whilst the aligners are to be removed during times of food consumption and during your daily oral hygiene routines, it is important to know that the remaining 22 hours of the day should be spent wearing them. Throughout this time the aligner pushes the teeth gradually into a new straighter position whilst causing minimal discomfort during the realignment process.

These particular aligners are particularly effective on the front sections of the mouth due to the fact that the pressure points for pushing the teeth are strongest in these areas. This does not mean that any alignment problems further round the mouth will not be possible to rectify, but this will always be discussed with you by our dental team, as we want a treatment that will be effective as a whole rather than achieving only half the work.

Your dedication to the alignment process

Teamwork is always required by the dental team and the patient when following a treatment plan, whether it be your regular oral hygiene process or in terms of Invisalign St Albans, the dedication to wearing the aligners for the specified time. Whilst having the visual image in your head from the consultation of what your winning smile can be like after treatment, some patients want the desired result, but do not want to put in the time or effort to achieve it. For this removable aligners can sometimes not be the most suitable option for a patient. When following a treatment plan that allows the retainer to be removed freely at home a patient can sometimes take it out to eat and forget to replace it for hours afterwards, or when mild discomfort occurs may decide to remove the retainer to provide relief. All of these factors, no matter how small, have an impact on the treatment plan and can delay and hinder the end result. It is therefore important that patients who are likely to remove the aligner frequently or play around with the orthodontic equipment follow the fixed orthodontic treatments. These will ensure that the desired results are reached generally within the decided treatment time as the main control of movement relies on the dental team rather than the patient.