
Making the most of Invisalign St Albans


If you’ve taken the plunge and decided to invest in Invisalign St Albans, then we at UK Dental Specialists want you to get the most out of the experience. We’ve put together all our top tips on how to enjoy the full benefits of your Invisalign treatment and our little secrets on keeping them clean and pristine! Enjoy.

Dos and don’ts

Number one – be strict with what you drink

We’re sure that you’re quite aware that you shouldn’t be drinking anything other than water when you’re wearing your Invisalign aligners, and this is for good reason. Any substance with colour to it could very easily stain and discolour the surface of your aligners, making them no longer crystal clear. Now, we’re all only human and, as such, can succumb to bad habits a little easier than perhaps we’d like to admit at times, but you really must avoid even having a cheeky tea or coffee when wearing your aligners. It’s so easy to fall into unhelpful patterns, and this needs to be avoided where possible.

Number two – be careful

Invisalign aligners are of excellent quality, but that doesn’t mean that they are invincible. Of course, if they’re not treated with care and attention, they can easily succumb to damage. There have been plenty of times patients have returned to us with snapped aligners, and in most cases, this is due to poor care taken when removing the aligners. Be gentle with your aligners; they’re an expense you don’t need or want to be paying for twice.

Number three – travel kit

Now that you have your aligners, there are going to be occasions throughout the day, mainly before lunchtime, when you’ll want to remove them and this includes if your teeth need a quick clean. With that in mind, we cannot express enough how handy and important it is that you’re in possession of a few hard-case boxes for your aligners. These cases will prevent your aligners from breaking or getting lost when you take them out to brush your teeth. Carrying a travel toothbrush and toothpaste is an excellent way to keep on top of oral hygiene whilst using aligners.

Keeps up the gleam

The biggest benefit of Invisalign St Albans is, of course, that they’re incredibly subtle and can blend into your life without others noticing. However, if not kept clean, these little trays will quickly become dull, discoloured and very obvious. For this reason, we highly recommend investing in Invisalign cleaning crystals or other similar cleaning solutions. These cleaning tools will ensure the shine of the aligners and keep them looking brand new and invisible.

Want to know more?

If you want to begin an Invisalign St Albans journey, then now’s as good a time as any. Come and see us at our clinic for your initial Invisalign consultation and find out what this system could do for you. We believe it truly stands out and would love to get you started on the first steps to the smile of your daydreams!