
Removing the barriers to orthodontic care with Invisalign


Don’t let the thought of braces stop you from looking into orthodontic solutions, with Invisalign St Albans, at our practice UK Dental Specialists, you can get straighter teeth without braces.

The excellent benefits of orthodontic care have always had limitations. In the 1950s, before the NHS, most of them were financial, and priority was rightfully focused on clinically relevant cases where people’s speech and ability to eat were adversely affected by their dental alignment.

For most patients, even today, such severe misalignments are addressed in early adolescence.

Treatment lifestyle

Many patients continue with subclinical misalignment into adulthood. Until very recently, the only practical orthodontic option was braces. You may be able to get away with 6 months to a year in braces whilst in school, but the value of communication and reputation are more important in adult life. The idea of carrying out a professional meeting or negotiating with corporate clients whilst wearing a brace, even if it is temporary, is mortifying if not genuinely disruptive.

Clear aligners

Invisalign St Albans provides a translucent alternative to braces that fits closely to the teeth, causing far less disruption than a brace, brackets and archwires. They’ve eliminated some of the largest drawbacks of traditional treatment. They are subtle, meaning that they often go unnoticed in public, as well as removable. They allow you to take them out whilst eating and replace them after you have finished your meal, without the rigmarole of cleaning that comes along with many fixed orthodontic treatments.

They have little to no impact on speech and are far less disruptive to professional and personal life.

Clear aligners arrive as a set and have to be used in sequence with each one worn for approximately 2 weeks. This is a more consistent and less dramatic alteration, as the adjustments occur every 6 to 8 weeks with traditional braces.

Thanks to the combination of computer-aided design and 3D printing we have found a way to service a group of patients that for so long have gone completely untreated. We hope that adult orthodontic care can become a more predominant part of our clinic and dentistry overall, with straighter and healthy smiles being a standard feature in the future.

Online assessments

Clear aligners are useful in a wide range of cases but not universally and it is important to have a full assessment before beginning treatment, but we respect your limited available time and provide a first-stage online triage.

This allows you to find out if your misalignment could be treated using aligners and if so, what the outcomes are likely to be without ever having to set foot in our clinic.

Spreading costs

To reduce the short-term financial burden of dental care, we provide payment plans including financing for orthodontic treatment including Invisalign St Albans, starting at 0%. For more information and an accurate assessment of the payment plans that would be available and appropriate for you, feel free to get in contact with our clinic. You can do this via the contact form on our website or directly by phone.