dental implants

How Dental Implants Feel Compared to Dentures

dental implants experts near st albans

Proper oral hygiene is the foundation of living a fulfilling, comfortable life, and the choice between dental implants and dentures is a crucial decision that many people must take. This informed comparison between the two most popular treatments will help you, the health-minded dental patient or oral care-seeker, to grasp the nuanced differences that matter most for your lifestyle and quality of life.

Before we get started, do you live in or near St. Albans? Are you struggling with missing teeth? We can help you! Contact UK Dental Specialists and book a consultation to discuss Dental Implants St Albans. Our friendly, professional, and highly experienced team is here and happy to help you!


On the way to a brighter smile and a functional bite, individuals are faced with a dichotomy between dental implants and dentures. While both end with a happy result of restored dental condition, the journey to that moment and the route can diverge significantly. Dental implants are often considered the gold standard of teeth replacement due to its stability, the ability to mimic natural teeth and fit precisely into your jawbone. On the flip side, dentures, the traditional replacement, is conservative and non-invasive, but can be adjusted to changes in your gums.

Dental Implants Experience

The Natural Feel and Function

If you want your crowns or bridges to look and feel like natural teeth, and last for many years in a biting pattern indistinguishable from normal teeth, then nothing beats a dental implant. An implant can be made to look like every other tooth in your upper or lower jaw, and fit perfectly with your bite. No other crown or bridge can do that. Since implants are made from titanium and ceramics, the art and science lies in their design, which mimics the tooth. The titanium root is implanted into the jawbone, while the ceramic crown tops it all off.

Stability and Comfort

Unlike a denture, it is not removable, it is permanently attached in your mouth and it will feel like a natural tooth. Dental implants feel like a natural tooth and do not move or float while your talking or eating.

Eating and Speaking Ease

The durability of implants also manifests in a freedom – an ability to enjoy almost any food without nerves, and to once again tap into the full bite power that diminishes when teeth are missing. In terms of speech, there’s no unexpected clacking or slippage (as can happen with denture wearers) because dental implants leave nothing to interrupt the articulation.

Dentures Experience

Fitting Process and Adjustments

Getting dentures is a process that requires numerous trips to the dentist, first for an impression of the oral structure so dentures can fit snugly. After a final few trips for adjustments, dentures should fit comfortably.

Comfort Level and Potential Issues

Individual dentures also vary from person to person – many users report that they need to get used to the feeling of their dentures. There might be sore spots or an adjustment is needed over time if the jaw changes after wearing them through contact with saliva or bone resorbing.

Eating and Speaking Challenges

While dentures help you to bite and chew your food, and articulate words precisely, they don’t necessarily hold you to the same standard you might have had with your natural teeth, or an implant. When biting and chewing, there might be a fear that you can’t bit down the same way, or that you’re even eating food that you shouldn’t. The same goes for speech – you might slip on your dentures (they might slip out of your mouth) or you might insert them at the wrong time, ahead of the word you’re forming.


Comfort and Stability

Both types of dentures can give you comfort.Implants though are more fixed and give you more comfort than denturesSince implants are more or less fixed in our mouth, we can relatively say that they can give more comfort than dentures.

Dentures are not invasive, so it is not permanent and its not fixed in our mouths. Although it is not permanent, it may not give you the sense of security that you want. It may also be a bit uncomfortable since it can move easily sometimes and may need to be fixed more often to feel comfortable again.

Maintenance and Durability

They must be kept clean and maintained like a natural tooth. However, dentures need extra care and soaking. Implants also last longer than dentures if you disregard the occasional blow to the face.

Cost Considerations

For many people, the main choice hinge is on cost: while dental implants are more expensive up front, they last longer and are less likely to require maintenance or replacement, meaning the long-term costs might be the same for both. And while removable and partial dentures are less expensive initially, they might also cost more cumulatively over the years.

Patient Testimonials – Real-Life Experiences and Feedback

Reading real-life patient testimonials provides compelling evidence for potential patients looking to gain insights into the dental implant experience. While some people choose to extol the life-changing benefits of dental implants online, others maintain that their dentures work well with their lifestyle and oral health needs. Both testimonials deserve to be considered as part of a full-circle set of testimonials.


And what is empowerment if not knowing what to do? And what is knowing if not the key to making a life immune to the confinements of toothlessness. The difference between dental implants and dentures is subtle but significant. A clear articulation of how each could fit into your unique life, health and budget will help the decision. A visit to your dentist would be your first step toward a better and improved, and importantly, hassle-free smile. Nothing is more precious than a smile that strums on all the right teeth!

For Dental Implants St Albans – click here.