facial aesthetics

Men and Facial Aesthetics: A Rising Trend in Anti-Aging Solutions

facial aesthetics st albans

In recent years, we have witnessed a (not so) subtle shift in the world of cosmetics, especially facial aesthetics, which was once a ‘women-only’ domain. Men are now taking centre stage (or are at least now on the stage) and seeking facial aesthetics, which help them to look as young as they feel. This worldwide trend is contributing a new era of men’s grooming, self-care and ageing (dis)gracefully.

Are you looking for facial aesthetics St Albans? Our friendly, professional and highly experienced team are here and happy to help you! Enquire today!

Breaking Down the Stigma

There used to be a stigma attached to men who invested significant time and resources into their looks, but with the evolution of masculinity, these taboos are slowly being dismantled. It’s perfectly reasonable for men to talk now about the products they use on their skin, share the advice and wisdom they’ve gleaned on online platforms, and document their experiences of fillers and anti-ageing treatment.

The Rise of Non-Invasive Treatments

Aside from the increasing acceptance of cosmetic treatments, another driving force behind this trend is the ‘non’ or ‘minimally invasive’ nature of many of the treatments available. The greater ease with which men can integrate treatments into their lifestyle – either by having very little downtime, or no downtime at all – plays an important part in their decision to pursue medical aesthetic procedures. Injections, dermal fillers and laser therapies to combat wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of ageing have all found increasing favour with men.

Customised Solutions for Men

Assuming that men make up a large chunk of a particular clinic’s client base, staff will make sure that the various treatments on offer (which can range from quick lifting treatments to long-term collagen boosters that take months to kick in) are balanced out by consultation processes and post-treatment advice that, among other things, address the particular thicker skin men usually have, the facial hair that grows out of it, and the lifestyle issues – such as unreliable skincare and the chaotic effect of heavy living – that can have a negative effect on the skin.

Mental Health and Self-Esteem

This rise in the popularity of facial aesthetics for men also ties into conversations around male mental health and self-esteem. Looking good can lead to feeling good, and conceivably, for many guys, anti-ageing solutions could boost a man’s confidence, especially in a world where appearances speak volumes, professionally as well as personally.

A Growing Market

This expanding demographic has not been lost on the beauty and skincare industry either, which has seen an increasing number of brands release specially formulated products and even lines for men that go beyond topical formulations to include supplements and devices to help them achieve their facial aesthetics goals.

The Future of Men and Facial Aesthetics

So, where does that leave us? Looks like men’s interest in facial aesthetics and anti-ageing solutions is anything but a flash in the pan. Viewed in this way, it also represents a more universal, holistic mobilisation around self-care, one that recognises that looking after one’s appearance is in fact part and parcel of looking after oneself. If the technology and treatment options continue to develop, as they surely will, and societal attitudes to the idea that men should enjoy and be offered the same options as women continue to progress and become more relaxed, then the future of facial aesthetics looks decidedly, if not radically, gender-neutral. What’s left is for us all to age on our own terms.


In conclusion, the increase in men seeking facial aesthetic treatments signals a new dawn that undermines out-dated stereotypes and will enable men to retain their youthful vitality for longer. The more that people are able to talk about men’s skincare and aesthetics, the more we will learn about this rapidly growing and evolving area of medical aesthetics.

Live in or near St Albans? Interested in a facial aesthetics consultation? Contact our friendly team today to find out how we can help you!