Dr. Dhru Shah
Specialist in Periodontics
MFGDP(UK) Royal College of Surgeons Of England 2006
BDS University of Sheffield 2003
GDC No. 82380
Dhru graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2003. He then went on to complete a year of vocation training in general practice within the North Wales training scheme. He continued as an associate practitioner in the same dental practice for a few years thereafter, and further developing his skills and gaining experience in the general dental care of patients.
Following this he completed various hospital posts gaining further training within the various disciplines of dentistry. These included working as a Senior House Office in the department of Restorative dentistry at the Royal London Dental Hospital followed by posts of a Senior House Officer and a specialty doctor in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the North West London Hospitals NHS trust to further enhance his surgical skills.
During this period, Dhru also completed examinations allowing membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Soon after this he embarked on a four-year specialist training program in the field of Periodontics and Implantology at Guy’s Hospital, London. As part of his specialist training, he also completed a Master of Clinical Dentistry degree in Periodontics at King’s College, London whilst also attaining the Membership of Periodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. This training now enables him to offer a range of treatments to manage periodontal diseases (gum diseases) as well as the provision of dental implants.